
By MN rule, "School-age child" has a meaning given in MN Statute, section 245A.02, subdivision 16: "A child who is at least of sufficient age to have attended the first day of kindergarten, or is eligible to enter kindergarten within the next four months, but is younger than 13 years of age."

A place the older kids can still be kids. 

As children grow and begin seeking independence, we begin to take more of a guiding role.  We want them to feel that they have choice, in their day-to-day activities and enjoy being a part of our program. 

As with the other ages, we provide hands on experiences of: arts and crafts, science, music, fine motor activities, large motor activities and sensory play.  We have dramatic play areas and utilize the outdoors when we can. Nature is a wonderful co-teacher.  We obtain school-agers input and let them voice their desires when we are choosing activities. We continue providing a healthy dose of challenge and suggestion, to participate in new things. 

We give children the freedom to follow their curiosities and passions. Whether they want to be scientists, artists, teachers, CEO, janitor, business owner, or work from the home, we want to support and guide children however we can. 

Dreams can start young and we want to build support systems, as they grow, and achieve! 

We use the "Early Childhood Indicators of Progress" and curriculum assessment tools, to ensure children are learning and progressing at an anticipated rate.   

Each child is unique and we understand each child learns at their own pace. We support them where they are, in all areas of development.  Additional support services will be discussed, if needed.

Per MN Statute, we maintain a ratio of 1 adult to 15 school-agers.

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6