Our Classrooms 

MN Rule 9503 allows the following ratios, as a minimum: 

1 staff:4 infants

1 staff:7 toddlers

1 staff:10 preschoolers

1 staff:15 school-agers

**Ratios must be followed at all times

Snug as a Bug has 4 classrooms within our center: 

One infant room (maximum 12 infants, 3 staff)

One toddler room (maximum 14 toddlers, 2 staff)

One preschool room (maximum 20 preschoolers, 2 staff)

One school-age room (maximum 28 students,2 staff)


We will celebrate the following holidays in each classroom: 

Infant Toddler Curriculum

Preschool/School-age Curriculum

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6